Forms Token has established a system in which part of the Forms activity income is returned to the sponsors as a reward for staking. Seventy percent of your activity income will be returned to your steak compensation. Twenty percent will be distributed to Forms and the remaining 10 percent will be distributed to the Forms agency. All agencies that serve Forms in the Charactbit project are not allowed to steak Forms Tokens.
The profit of the Forms is divided into two main categories: sponsorship income and activity income. Forms sponsorship income refers to direct token sponsorship from viewers during streaming and is made through DTF, the sponsorship platform of the Charactbit project. Activity income refers to the overall income of activities earned by Forms through advertising, partnerships, and characters during their activities.
Activity income is divided into quarters, and Forms and its agency submit the income part. The part of income that is difficult to disclose due to the nature of the business will only be disclosed in figures excluding items. Communities can raise objections in the event of omission or embezzlement of insincere data submission, and if the objection is justified in accordance with the community agreement, they will incinerate the Forms tokens held by the Forms and agency. The number of Forms tokens to be incinerated is specified as the number of tokens specified in the network block height at the time of objection. Forms tokens maintain a fair and transparent system and structure the safety of token holders in this way.
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